Verdant Mountain Vigilantes
Cowboy Action Shooting at the Lamoille Valley Fish & Game Club

The Verdant Mountain Vigilantes is a Single Action Shooting Society shooting group within the Lamoille Valley Fish & Game Club. Cowboy action shooters enjoy shooting traditional guns mixed with an appreciation of the traditions of the Old West. At present there are three scheduled matches at the LVFGC Club each year.
Cowboy Action matches typically involve shooting 10 stages over a course of two days at a series of steel targets. Each stage scenario is a timed event and each miss add 5 seconds to your time. Competitors shoot through and around props in a given order usually consisting of
2 single action revolvers (5 rounds each)
Lever action rifle, (10 rounds)
Period shotgun (2-6 rounds)
2024 Cowboy Shooting Match Schedule:
June 22-23, 10 stage “Club Shoot”
September 21-21, “Josie Wales” shoot where you have the option of using 4 pistols. ​
We may get 20 people at these shoots so there is not a large crowd around if you are new to the game and want a small event to begin with. If you can’t attend both days, you have the option of shooting all 10 stages on Saturday. Spectators are always welcome, eye and ear protection is required.
Additionally on July 19-21 we host the Vermont State Championship called the Green Mountain Mayhem. We may have 60-70 shooters attending from around New England. We get out all the props and decorations to make it a special three day event.
See more at the Green Mountain Mayhem site.
Interested? Download an entry form and sign up.
​What is Cowboy Action Shooting?
Competitors use “Old West” style firearms such as single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles and old time shotguns like double barrel coach guns.
Ammunition must be low velocity, loaded with cast lead bullets using either smokeless or black powder.
Each course of fire (stage) consists of multiple steel targets at a fairly close range. The stage must be shot following a set scenario which might be anything from a movie scene to a gunfight. Your score is based on time, misses and following the scenario.
Your outfit for the event must be in the style of the 1800s and some shooting categories have additional dress requirements.
Cowboy Action 101
New to Cowboy Action Shooting? If you would like more information about getting started in Cowboy Action Shooting, Andy Squires aka “Doc McCoy” has provided a more detailed info sheet to help get you started.
See Doc's writeup on Cowboy Action 101
And of course attending one of our shoots is also a good introduction.
For further information on the shoots, please contact Match Director “Doc McCoy” at 802-363-7162 or docmccoy@gmavt.net

Some Cowboys enjoy shooting black powder loads…
...and some Cowboys like to shoot their pistols gunfighter style